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Revision as of 19:28, 10 March 2024

Measuring-in allows the pre-definition of clothing sizes and modifications. This enables later quick ordering of these products.

Performing Measuring-In is the bread and butter tool for mobile tailors or point of service staff, which are supporting internal or external customers to find the appropriate sizes for personal equipment without technical support but in many cases a set of slip-sizes. Once the best fitting sizes are defined, some companies allow or even enforce extra modifications, so that the modified product suits the requirements of the using staff even better. Modifications can range from "reduce left sleeve length by -2cm" or "Attach rank insignia" to "attach organization unit logo".

ZUGSEIL software supports that each of these modifications can be made immutable for the staff member. This makes sense especially when rank or logo is defined by company policy or HR and should not be under control of the staff member.

ZUGSEIL also has the ability of made-to-measure and bespoke equipment.

Body measure and size recognition functionality

From body measures to sizes

Body measures refer to the physical dimensions of an individual's body, such as height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference, and body fat percentage. Body measures for clothing refer to the specific measurements of an individual's body that are needed to determine the appropriate size of clothing. These measures typically include chest/bust, waist, hips, inseam, and sometimes arm length and shoulder width.

These body measures are objective data helping to ensure that clothing fits properly. Still there exists subjective information which each person defines individually which is also very important that a person perceives a piece of clothing comfortable to wear.

Both types of information are used during our size recogition to evaluate the best fitting sizes.

Advanced supported process flows

Aside the mobile tailor scenario, which is the current standard for large scale equipment rollout, ZUGSEIL Made To Measure add new scenarios:

  • AI assisted mobile tailor / point of service - this just provides the mobiile tailore AI based tools which support the body measure recognition process and also the size recognition process. Through this more precision and time efficency can be added to the Measuring-In process chain. The (scarce) tailoring knowledge is just required to review the results which the AI provided and do final modifications.
  • AI assisted full self service - this leaves the user alone with the AI to perform body measure recognition and size recognition in one process step. The user just has to present towards a mobile camera, the AI takes care of the rest of process and returns with the sizes of the relevant pieces of equipment. The availability of this process offers a great savings potential for large organizations which can save on human logistics and reduce the quantity of equipment stores or even drop them entirely.

Comparison of process flows

Unsupported measuring in

(self & manual measuring in)

mobile tailor / point of service AI assisted full self service AI assisted mobile

tailor / point of service

Skilled Measuring-In staff required no yes no yes
Measuring-In location required no yes no yes
User`s dependence of time no yes no yes
User`s dependence of location no yes no yes
requires basic technical skills of customer no no yes no
allows body related modifications no yes no yes
precision of results very poor / unusable very good good best
speed of process per measuring-in 30-60 mins 15-30 mins 5 mins 10 mins

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