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ZUGSEIL BEST is digitalization toolset for simplification and automation of procurement processes inside an organization!

It is based on the free ZUGSEIL Supply Chain Network enabling plug&play and fully digitalized supply chain collaboration with your suppliers and service partners. It is coming with procure-to-pay and advanced guided buying functionality combined with digitalization of the full lifecycle of c-parts and assets - from distribution over maintenance to decomissioning. Most customers are currently using it for dgitalization of all processes of indirect procurement, which is responsible for the procurement of c-parts.

Please read up this article for the benefits ZUGSEIL BEST can deliver to your organization.

Target Audiences

All organizations which need to equip their employees in a structured way. ZUGSEIL products make sense for very small customers from 20 employees up to large companies with tens of thousands of employees.

Typical examples:

Areas of usage

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