ZUGSEIL Shop - Currently known feature requests
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This shows the currently known bug issues with ZUGSEIL Shop.
Known states:
- requested - we have received the request and will start discovery as soon as possible
- rejected - we are in discussions and rejected the feature
- Discovering - we are in discussions how to implement this features
- Specified - The task is specified and can be scheduled
- scheduled - The task is scheduled for the next release
Feature request list
F-ID | Date | Relevance | State | Source | Title / Article Reference | Description |
F0001 | 2024-09-24 | high | requested | SBB | Dokument in der Kontingent-Historie direkt aus der Übersicht herunterladbar | |
F0002 | 2024-10-16 | medium | open | SBB | Shop Feature "Full History" | So far only the current entitlements history is visible, but especially when working with multiple entitlements, the user should be able to see the full history. |
F0003 | 2024-10-18 | low | open | SBB | Switch off stock infor for some products | For some products / variant, there is never stock on warehouse, but they should be displayed in the sho e.r as green, reg, or other defined status. |
F0004 | 2024-07-17 | Button on Shopping purposes: "Show related products and services" | ||||
F0005 | 2024-07-17 | Product reviews should be at the end of the page | ||||
F0006 | 2024-07-17 | Shopping purposes button: "Show ratings" | ||||
F0007 | 2024-07-17 | Checkout: Button "Copy selected addresses" | ||||
F0008 | 2024-07-17 | POS: instead of business participants selection choose 3rd party digital |