Onboarding new digital in ZUGSEIL manual way

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1. Create new DNS entry (Dennis)

2. Create new certificat on related public proxy server (Dennis)

3. Create new digital using /zugseil-website

3.1. Run tenant updater and keep the digital GUID

4. Im ADM:

4.1. Check digital full name and short name -> ADM > System settings > Tenant owner

4.2. Set digital default settings -> ADM > System settings > Tenant settings

4.3. Set available languages -> ADM > System settings > Basic settings > Languages

4.4. Upload customer logos one 4:1 for MVC modules and one 1:1 for bop-desktop

5. Setup ZUGSEIL-Win-Login (min. Version 6.4.4 supports Synapy Login)

6. Findout custom specific shop-api port

6.1. Check the next free port for shop-api in Excel-file on securecloud "/B-Op Global Development/ZUGSEIL/Portslist FE and BE/Application Default Configurations.xlsx"

6.2. Login to core-v4 and findout if the next free port from Excel is really free on server > lsof -P -i | grep 40031

6.3. Add new port in Excel file on securecloud for ducumentation reason  

7. Create a new digital specific stage Proxy-File for the new Digital, by copien an existing file.

7.1. Change the domain in file "Server name"

7.2. Change the shop-api port to the customer specific one

7.3. Change the route to the custom specific login application

8. Create new digital specific shop-api install script on core-v4 server under: /srv/customer/

8.1. Copy from an existing script and change the three parameter in the script: Digital shortname, digital GUID, custom specific shop-api port

8.2. Run the script via ./SCRIPT_NAME

9. Run the script for initializing the digital in synaps realm db

9.1. Open the script on securecloud "/B-Op Services - Support/__Administration/B-Op Synapse Realm-Setup/InitializeSynapseDigital.sql"

9.2. Change digital GUID, digital name and digital domain

9.3. Run the script (only once) on the synapse realm db

10. Check the checklist for digital on securecloud: "/B-Op Services - Support/__Customer_onboardingVorlage_Checkliste Identität Digital anlegen.xlsx"

11. Run tenant updater again to see the application in bop-desktop settings

12. Create needed dashboard layouts using /bop-desktop/settings