Fulfillment means all process to fulfill a promise given to a customer!
From a retailer`s perspective this means the activities performed once an order is received to fulfill the order: packaging, distribution and shipping of goods. From a logistic provider`s perspective it is the packaging and dispatching of a customer`s order. The digital which needs to fulfill typically promises certain goods by accepting an order - typically an internal order, customer order, returns order or relocation order.
Fulfillment supply chains
The most simple fulfillment scenario means that the local stock is (1) ordered to take the goods from stock and then (2) ordered to dispatch it via a logistic provider. Both actions are handled by a logistics team located in a local warehouse . But over the last decades the tasks in fulfillment gain more and more complexity and are distributed over multiple parties before the final customer is reached. To address this ZUGSEIL has introduced Fulfillment Supply Chain capabilities which works well in simple as well as the most complex supply chain scenarios spanning over multiple identities collaborating to fulfill the promise given to the customer.
Examples for scenarios driving fulfillment supply chain complexity are :
- customization of goods (internal or by 3rd party)
- finishing of goods (internal or by 3rd party)
- assembly jobs along the fulfillment supply chain