Development Sprint Planning 10.03 - 21.03

Revision as of 13:21, 14 March 2025 by Davorciric (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Team availability== This map holds the ZUGSEIL product development team and its planned availability during the upcoming days. If anything changes to this availability, please notify the line and the product manager as soon as possible. {| class="wikitable" ! ! !Mon !Tue !Wed !Thu !Fri !Mon !Tue !Wed !Thu !Fri |- !Name !Function !10.03 !11.03 !12.03 !13.03 !14.03 !17.03 !18.03 !19.03 !20.03 !21.03 |- |Stefan Seiler |Product Owner |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |✅ |...")
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Team availability

This map holds the ZUGSEIL product development team and its planned availability during the upcoming days. If anything changes to this availability, please notify the line and the product manager as soon as possible.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Name Function 10.03 11.03 12.03 13.03 14.03 17.03 18.03 19.03 20.03 21.03
Stefan Seiler Product Owner
Rene Schneider Process Quality Manager
Christiane Hornemann UI Quality Manager
Davor Ciric Senior Delivery Manager
Tijana Bezbradica Delivery Manager
Ilija Bubanj Quality Engineer
Nikola Kerkez Backend Developer
Petar Ilic Frontend developer
Aleksandar Lazic Frontend developer
Zivko Rankovic Frontend developer
Ivan Juras Backend developer
Nebojsa Trajkovic B-Op developer

Regular vacation requests are applied to over this page, please.


Task creation

WBS / Project FE



Sprint-04 11.11.-15.11.


Sprint-04 18.11.-22.11.


Sprint-05 25.11.-29.11.


Sprint-05 02.12.-06.12.


Sprint-06 09.12.-13.12.


Sprint-06 16.12.-20.12.


Sprint-07 23.12.-27.12.


Sprint-07 31.12.-03.01.


Sprint-07 06.01.-10.01.


Sprint-08 13.01.-17.01.

Promises / Customer Info / Comments
Shop R3.3

Release 1: Reach BLT Testing

Includes Direct Handout Screen (with regular shipment as now), but not direct handout process, which is triggered after checkout.

ZS-SP-0002 App:ZUGSEIL Shop Checkout FE Presentations with SBB and BLT went fine Yes Done

BLT go-live @ 01.09.

Fully Fledged presentation with SBB 08.08.

Shop R3.3

Release 2: Reach Ready-For-Testing with SBB

Finishing up & QA

Dev:EMA - Special actions screen FE Should be implemented

Presentation with SBB 16.09.

App:Purchase order pool manager (Open Feature Requests, see versions page) FE 80%blocked 25.10.2024: Check account functionality still NOT specified
BE 80%blocked

Oct 2023

ZS-CI-0001 App:Measuring-In - Target selection FE Standalone version, fully responsive, same Measuring-In-Methods as in Shop-API, another measuring-In-Singleton or part of Equipment Management Singleton?

Promised to Albiro for Q1/2024

First version done for presentation, awaiting for feedback

OPEN POINTS: (1) make it work with EBusinessSharedLogicHub, (2) REMOTE measuring in process yet to be implemented, (3) customer feedback

App:Measuring-In - Product configuration FE
App:Measuring-In - Body measurements FE
SBB Forgotten Features

May 2024

ZS-CI-0003 New appointment Connector & Final BE with caching BE Also holds two minor tasks on the forgotten Feature list

Integration not scheduled yet

Stocktaking (AUA) - minor fixes DEV-524 FE Done Yes Done Rene confirmed
Stocktaking extensions for AUA prepared shipments inventory process Extensions on Warehouse area for "exclusive shipments" flag FE Done 15.11.2024. version put on FTP, Rene noted
BE Done
Extensions on Stocktaking app for new inventory type "pick up shipment stocktaking" FE 60% 100% Done
BE 60% 100% Done
Unplanned WPC (MVC) extensions BE 0% 100% Done
ERP sprint 05 features and extensions PO pool manger - cost controlling extensions + feedback FE Petar 90% Done
BE Ivan 100% Done
Article / Product extension (variants generator for IROC) FE Zivko 90% Done
BE Ivan 100% Done
PO pool manager - Pool templates creation FE Petar 0% 90% QA testing Done
BE Ivan 0% 90% Done
ERP sprint 06

ERP sprint 07

Stocktaking - Rene in AUA support inventory process Done
eShop - Issues reported by SLorenz Ongoing Ongoing
eShop SOS extension BE Ivan 10% 40%
PO pool manager - Check account Nikola 0% 50% 50% 50% Done
Extensions on Pick up manager for exclusive shipments FE

Development tasks

This contains the tasks at the entire team. Each week contains these information according to the progess of the task:

  • Phase 1: RFD Ready for Development
  • Phase 2: In development --> Progress in %
  • Phase 3: DEV testing - Developers finished development but are doing QA on their code
  • Phase 4: QA testing - QA is having this on their table
  • Phase 5: Fixing - QA returned with some flaws
  • Phase 6: Code review - The code will be reviewed
  • Phase 7: Done - Ready for deployment

Planned Tasks

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