Category specific process digitalization

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Product categories are the knowledge root for

  • building well structured purchasing portals for staff members
  • building efficient procurement HR structures
  • implementing efficient spend management

As a result ZUGSEIL has dedicated tools for product category management and offers category specific process chains through ordering assistants .


Our customers have these benefits with this:

  • Externalization of knowhow - Make this knowledge available to entire staff through the "Where do i order what?" portal fully integrated in purchasing portal.
  • Full digitalization of the demand definition process - not just for plain vanilla products like stationary material, but also for configurable products, lending, ...
  • Full integrated with sorrounding processes - like equipment management, context based ordering, ...
  • End-To-End digitalization - Fully integrated with warehousing and fulfillment, no matter if fulfillment is done internally or by partners.


  • Printshop - After demand definition, potential suppliers are automatically contacted and a RFP process is triggered. The best matching supplier can be chosen automatically or manually by a ruleset and a purchase order is placed and then fulfilled in the procure-to-pay process
  • Equipment managment - A growing customer base is managing equipment of their staff members. This is not just the procurement process, but also integrates the equipment and entitlement management and returns management.
  • Context based ordering - Construction companies have per job a set of suppliers and have job specific price agreements and product selections. This can be fully digitalized from demand definition to payment with ZUGSEIL.