Documentation Fragment & Correlating Task Classification
Change Development
Small change
Should affect only one screen. If multiple screens are affected, please make multiple small changes, which can be grouped together as a package of small changes.
Examples for small changes:
- label changes
- typos
- moviing buttons
- adding a new property (not having effect on a process), e.g. adding a descriptiive field to an adminstration form
Default estimations:
- Frontend time max. 1h, Backend 1h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 0h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development Senior Frontend 0h, Senior Backend 0h OR Junior Frontend 0h, Junior Backend 0h
Example for regular changes:
- Adding a new table on page
- Extension of an existing page (multiple fields)
- Updating Standard Frontend-Component - Changing behaviour on a single simple component, like search component or dropdown component.
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 4h, Backend 2h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 1h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 0h, Senior Backend 0h OR Junior Frontend 1h, Junior Backend 1h
New Admin Development
This type of development is for administration of base data.
Admin Overview Page
Example: Standard Overview-page with Standard Grid
Field Example:
- Incoming Payments Administration
- Bank Administration
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 8h, Backend 4h (ZugSeil Standard Grid customization is taking extra time?)
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 2h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 1h, Senior Backend 0.5h OR Junior Frontend 1h, Junior Backend 0.5h
Admin Detail-Page Tab ("simple")
Example: not many fields, some validations
Field example:
- Bookkeeping Manager - Tab "Bank data"
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 4h, Backend 2h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 2h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 0h, Senior Backend 0h OR Junior Frontend 1h, Junior Backend 0.5h
Admin Detail-Page Tab ("complex")
Example: more fields, more validations
Field example:
- Article Administration - Tab "Main Data"
- Customer Administration - Tab "Addresses"
- Product Administration - Tab "Update Rules"
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 8h, Backend 1.5h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 2h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 2h, Senior Backend 0.5h OR Junior Frontend 4h, Junior Backend 1h
Admin Detail-Page Tab ("very complex")
Example: more fields, more validations, complex visualization, higher Logic visualization&Backend)
Field example:
- Classification Administration - Tab "Classification Mapping"
- Customer Administration - Tab "Contacts"
- Customer Administration - Tab "Pricing Rules"
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 24h, Backend 8h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 6h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 8h, Senior Backend 3h OR Junior Frontend 16h, Junior Backend 6h
New Display App Development
This type of development means collecting information and displaying it - no writeback of information.
Standard Dashboard App
Example: New Dashboard Standard App (Dashboard Widget + App with Overview and simple details page)
Field Example:
- My Documents App Widget + My Documents Overview page + Documents detail page/Download
- My News App Widget + My News Overview page + News detail page
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 8h, Backend 4h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 4h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 1h, Senior Backend 0.5h OR Junior Frontend 2h, Junior Backend 1h
Complex Dashboard App
Example: New Dashboard Standard App (Dashboard Widget + App with Overview and complex details page)
Field Example:
- My Orders App Widget + My Orders Overview page + MyOrders detail page
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 32h, Backend 20h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 12h (4h go away with b-op desktop installation processes)
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 4h, Senior Backend 2h OR Junior Frontend 2h, Junior Backend 1h
Process chain development
A process chain is defined by a set of process steps, which each can be either with or without user interaction.
Process elements can be:
- User Interaction Process-Step
- Backend Processing Step
This set of process steps in total deliver the process chain. Each of these steps has to be specified separatly
User Interaction Process-Step (SMALL)
A screen with minimal complexity and/or some simple funcationality.
Field Example:
- Cancel Order
- Reprint oder slip
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 16h, Backend 4h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 4h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 4h, Senior Backend 1h OR Junior Frontend 16h, Junior Backend 4h
User Interaction Process-Step (MEDIUM)
A screen with some complexity and many functional panes interacting.
Field Examples:
- BEST Shop - regular ordering assistant, product selection
- Disposition Manger - Stock disposition
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 50h, Backend 30h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 24h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 24h, Senior Backend 8h OR Junior Frontend 50h, Junior Backend 30h
User Interaction Process-Step (LARGE)
A screen with quite some complexity, eventually even with subscreens.
Field Examples:
- BEST Shop - Personal Equipment Assistant, Product Selection
- BEST Shop - Checkout
Default Estimations
- Frontend time max. 80h, Backend 40h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 24h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Frontend 24h, Senior Backend 8h OR Junior Frontend 80h, Junior Backend 40h
Backend Processing Step (SMALL)
A pure backend process (an engine) without UI-Part.
Field Examples:
- Customer Order Email-Daemon
- Document Management Agent - Picture transformation API
Default Estimations
- Backend 8h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 8h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Backend 4h OR Junior Backend 8h
Backend Processing Step (MEDIUM)
A pure backend process which comes with a medium or semi-complex functionality
Field examples:
- Document Management Agent - Document Management Engine
Default Estimations
- Backend 32h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 16h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Backend 16h OR Junior Backend 32h
Backend Processing Step (LARGE)
A pure backend process which comes with a lot or complex functionality
Field Example:
- Catalog Server with MT-Communication
- Document Management Agent - Document Creation
- Order Processing Core
Default Estimations
- Backend 80h
- Regular delay after development before it typically can be handed over to Customer: 32h
- Clocked extra time on fixes on development, Senior Backend 24h OR Junior Backend 80h