ZUGSEIL Lifecycle Management

Revision as of 16:19, 25 August 2023 by Stefanseiler (talk | contribs)
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ZUGSEIL Lifecycle Management (LCM) is a fundamental concept of the ZUGSEIL system, which enables management and maintenance of large numbers of physical assets with:

  • current location
  • current state
  • lifecycle history from first contact to decomissioning

Usage scenarios are

  • Management of personal protective equipment
  • Management of workplace equipment
  • Managment of project based equipment
  • general product instance tracking or asset tracking

The conecpt of lifecycle management (LCM) is an integral part of the b-op data model and can be activated in our products by deployment of our ZUGSEIL Lifecycle Management Tools (LCM) service bundle.

Inter digital lifecycle management

With current state-of-the-art IT systems lifecycle management is limited to the reach of one IT-system. This leads to undesirable dependencies with business parters, which tell you to "help taking care of your product data" - but in reality they are creating customer binding for themselves and undesirable dependencies for you resulting in higher spendings.

With b-op this unhealthy dependency can be broken as the lifecycle data is automatically handed our to the owner of the product instances without any interfaces to be written or designed. It is a unique selling preposition of ZUGSEIL to be first b-op based vendor for inter-digital lifecycle managment.

Real world example

Currently laundering business is getting more and more profitable through software packages operated at large laundery firms. Profitability is driven by total-care business models, which are based on data on products which customers are leasing with the laundries: The laundry knows more on the customer specific lifecycle data than the customer. With this big knowledge advantage over the customers usage profile, the vendor can build a highly profitable business model on it:

  • The laundty has detailed information on the lifecycle (location, state, history)
  • The laundry just hands-out billing information - the customer has very little chance to verify the information
  • The customer does not have detailed information on the assets and can not verify
  • The laundry in most cases has name and location of wearing persons (which is irresponsible and against DS-GVO / nDSG regulations) and can build profiles on them

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