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Product customization refers to enabling customers to personalize a product according to their needs and preferences. Depending on rights of logged in user, user can open product configurating by stand alone app or on personal shopping assistant, if settings in shopping purposes are set so. User select variant and if customizations, which are administrated on product. We will have three different scenarios, when employee has right to see and preconfigure product, when team leader has right to add configuration for employees and when employee from another digital has right to add configuration for employees from another company.

Lets first pass through the stand alone app for configuring products.

Customer selection

Header: Product configuration product.configuration-header Target selection wizard: - First step is choosing external digital product.configuration-first.step-customer

- Second step is employee selection product.configuration-first.step-employee

Sub-title: product.configuration-subtitle

Filter search box:

Customer selection.png

Employee selection

Employee selection 1.png

Q: How do we now is it external digital or internal? In the case of internal we have a table with employees

Product selection

Product selection 1.png

Customization on product selection.png

Q: Dropdown unclear does it shows entitlement + already customizable+ all products.

All products (written all products in system) how employee has right to see all products, isnt he limited with entitlement.

Who has access to customization