WBW2 ZStoDAS Export

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The fields for export were agreed on 5 June 2024 together with Peter Staufer (SBB).

This export takes the information permanently from the classification schema "SBB Warengruppen" with the internal number "custom".

The export format must be a csv-file in UTF8, comma separated.

Excel view column Column Name Description how to pull data from ZUGSEIL
A Warengruppennummer Level 1 und 2 It is alwas the 9 digits long classification number but only the level 1 and 2
B Sprache Language code DE, EN, IT, FR
C Warengruppenbezeichnung Name of the classification item in specific language


The fields for export were agreed on 5 June 2024 together with Peter Staufer (SBB).

This export takes the information permanently from the classification schema "SBB Warengruppen" with the internal number "custom".

The export format must be a csv-file in UTF8, comma separated.

Excel view column Column Name Description how to pull data from ZUGSEIL
A Warengruppennummer Level 3 It is alwas the 9 digits long classification number but only the level 3
B Sprache Language code DE, EN, IT, FR
C Warengruppenbezeichnung Name of the classification item in specific language


The fields for export were agreed on 5 June 2024 together with Peter Staufer (SBB).

This export takes the information permanently from the classification schema "SBB Warengruppen" with the internal number "custom".

The export format must be a csv-file in UTF8, comma separated.

Excel view column Column Name Description how to pull data from ZUGSEIL
A WG Level 1 It is alwas the 9 digits long classification number but only the level 1
B WG Level 2 It is alwas the 9 digits long classification number but only the level 2
C Warengruppe It is alwas the 9 digits long classification number but only the level 3
D Category Manager 2 Is the strategical buyer is of the classification item with procurement path rule and procurement path idetifier "CM_2". It is then the responsible buyer person. Exported must be the staff number, like: UE51083 Important: Normaly case will be that the category 2 manager is maitained on classification level 2 and inherited to level 3. If this is the case then this employee must be taken.
Category2 mgt.png
E Category Manager 3 Is the strategical buyer is of the classification item with procurement path rule and procurement path idetifier "CM_3". It is then the responsible buyer person. Exported must be the staff number, like: UE51083 Important: Normaly case will be that the category 2 manager is maitained on classification level 2 and inherited to level 3. If this is the case then this employee must be taken.
Important: Normaly case will be that the category 2 manager is maitained on classification level 2 and inherited to level 3. If this is the case then this employee must be taken.
F Risk Class This column hold the risk assessment "value identifier" from risk assessment with identifier "RK_K800.60".
G Sustainable Class This column hold the risk assessment "value identifier" from risk assessment with identifier "RK_NH".
H Cybersecurity Class This column hold the risk assessment "value identifier" from risk assessment with identifier "RK_CS".
I Division_BP Thi column holds the value from the classification mapping rule "WG SBB - EK-Bereiche". Output is always the target classification item element number like G or PP or EIB etc.
J Team_OPE The operative buyer is of the classification item. This is the value from field area description. But only in case the rule type is "procurement path rule" and the procurement path with identifier "TL_OPE"
DAS operative buyer devision description.png
K Teamlead_OPE The operative buyer is of the classification item. This is the name (first and last) from the responsible person. But only in case the rule type is "procurement path rule" and the procurement path with identifier "TL_OPE"
DAS Teamlead OPE.png
L MAIN_OPE Is the operative buyer is of the classification item with procurement path rule and procurement path idetifier "OPE". It is then the responsible buyer person. Exported must be the staff number, like: Melanie Maric Important: It can be that the operative manager is maitained on classification level 2 and inherited to level 3. If this is the case then this employee must be taken from the second level.
Main ope.png
M EKG_R3 This is the operative buyer R3 group is of the classification item. Output must be the goup number but only in case the rule type is "procurement path rule" and the procurement path with identifier "EKG_R3"
DAS EKG R3.png
N EKG_S4 This is the operative buyer S4 group is of the classification item. Output must be the goup number but only in case the rule type is "procurement path rule" and the procurement path with identifier "EKG_S4"
DAS EKG S4.png
O Ist veraltet This column hold the value "Ja" or "Nein" depening on the classification item flag.
DAS ist veraltet.png

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