Offers are the communication element of the negotiation phase, which ends with a mutual agreed offer and a purchasing contract being made between a supplier and a vendor. Either side can send offers to a known other business participant.
Actions upon receival of offer
Once the receiving side agrees to the offer of the other side, a mutal agreement is reached and a contract is created.
Based on this contract one or multiple customer-order / procurement-order pairs can be created. The customer order occurs on the supplier side, the procurement order reflects the same data on the customer side.
B-Op Integration
Offers and RFPs are exchanged automatically over the b-Op Network with other b-op Digitals taking part in the negotiation phase, as long as both sides mutually share the b-op Trustrelation "Allow Offer-Negotiations" of the b-op Tradesphere with the other business participant. When a customer wants to enter the negotiation phase with multiple suppliers at the same time, he may use the RFP process which requests from a list of suppliers an initial offer.