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* [[Dev:Customer order default status|Available default status of a customer order]].
* [[Dev:Customer order default status|Available default status of a customer order]].
*[[Purchasing and Sourcing]]
*[[Purchasing and Sourcing]]
*[[The trade sphere]]

Revision as of 10:41, 3 June 2022

A customer order is a formal order from the customer which provides details of the amount and due date for a customer’s requirement of products. It is a legal document specifying the orders made by the customer. In addition, it states the amount of money to be paid, the due date on which the funds can be expected, and the quantity of the product delivered.

Related b-op data entities

Once a purchasing contract between a customer and a supplier has been signed, one or multiple purchases can be done by the customer based on this contract. A purchase order is created on the customer side, which documents to the supplier that he is ordered to deliver goods based on the contract conditions. This purchase order by the customer creates the customer order object on the suppliers side. Based on this order the suppliers takes all actions, like fulfillment, production or procurement with sub-suppliers to fulfill the customer order.

Related data entities:

  • Purchasing Contracts
  • Purchase Orders
  • Deliveries
  • Production Orders
  • Bills

A customer-order is an immutable object on which each change has to create a new customer-order which eventually references to the old customer order. If the order at the moment of change has been partially fulfilled or billed, all corresponding objects have to become re-associated with the new customer-order.

Lifecycle of a Customer Order

Customer orders can be created by manual creation in the suppliers identity or through digital interaction on the b-op network.

*Order creation

    • Either manually (does not require acceptance)
    • Or over b-op network (requires acceptance)
  • Customer order acceptance process enabled (set per customer?)
    • waiting for acceptance
    • accepted --> Active
  • Change request of already accepted customer order**Change requested accepted
    • Change request rejected
    • Change accepted order positions (one position 0 qtty == cancel positions, all positions 0 qtty --> entire order cancelled)
  • Delivery status
    • partially delivered positions
    • fully delivered positions
  • Billed status**partially billed position
    • fully billed positions

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