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{{Note|text=This article is WIP|type=warn}}
Every type of order has a variety of different statuses which it must run through until it reaches the user. These steps will be shown for every order type to make the statuses of every order more understandable.
Every type of order has a variety of different statuses which it must run through until it reaches the user. These steps will be shown for every order type to make the statuses of every order more understandable.

The usual order of statuses for a order will look like this:
The usual order of statuses for a order will look like this:
[[File:Current status colors - to be revised.png]]

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 13: Line 22:
|Order has been approved
|Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order.
|The order has been created and has reached the responsible user.
|Creation pending
|'''Creation pending'''
|The system is still working on creating your order.
|The order is has been delivered.
|Info from external system
|'''Info from external system'''
|The order is has been finished.
|Partially accepted
|'''Partially accepted'''
|Partially canceled
|Partially canceled
|It was only possible to cancel some articles. The rest of the order will still be delivered.
|Partially delivered
|Partially delivered
|Some parts of the order have reached their final destination. Check the order details to see what the status of the other parts is.
Line 62: Line 75:
|Receipt confirmed
|Receipt confirmed
|When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery.
Line 70: Line 83:
|The order has been rejected.
|Cancellation failed
|Cancellation started
|Created - approval required
|Creation pending
|Order data incomplete
|Partially canceled
|Partially delivered
|Receipt confirmed
|Receipt partially confirmed
|Data transfer old system
Line 226: Line 171:
|The order has been run checked by the system and will be created.
Line 234: Line 179:
|Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order.
Line 242: Line 187:
|The order has been created and has reached the responsible user.
|The order has been created and has reached the responsible user.
Line 258: Line 203:
|Order data incomplete
|Order data incomplete
|Some part of data is still missing. Please check the order to fill in the missing information.
Line 266: Line 211:
|Partially canceled
|Partially canceled
|It was only possible to cancel some articles. The rest of the order will still be delivered.
|Partially delivered
|Partially delivered
|Some parts of the order have reached their final destination. Check the order details to see what the status of the other parts is.
Line 310: Line 255:
|Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order.
|The order has been created and has reached the responsible user.
Line 374: Line 319:
|Receipt confirmed
|Receipt confirmed
|When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery.
Line 408: Line 353:
|}The actual statuses for a '''DO''' are:
# '''Ordered:'''
# '''Release Requested:'''
# '''Permission Granted:'''
# '''Internal Distribution:'''
## '''Picking in progress:'''
## '''Picking completed:'''
## '''In delivery:'''
# '''Forwarded to supplier:'''
## '''Order accepted:'''
## '''Picking in process:'''
## '''Picking completed:'''
## '''In Delivery:'''
# '''Package recieved:'''
The actual statuses for a '''DO''' are:
* '''Created, release required''': The order has been created. Your team leader has to check and release the order in order for it to reach the responsible user.
* '''Created, release required''': The order has been created. Your team leader has to check and release the order in order for it to reach the responsible user.
* '''Canceled''': Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order.
* '''Cancellation started''': This will be shown, if the user wants to cancel the order and the system has started running through the cancellation process.
* '''Cancellation failed''': It was not possible to cancel the order.
* '''Transferred from old system''': If the order was created in a old system and was transferred to this system for clarity.
* '''Transferred from old system''': If the order was created in a old system and was transferred to this system for clarity.
* '''Order data incomplete''': Some part of data is still missing. Please check the order to fill in the missing information.
* '''Order data incomplete''': Some part of data is still missing. Please check the order to fill in the missing information.
Line 441: Line 368:
* '''Receipt confirmed''': When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery.
* '''Receipt confirmed''': When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery.
* '''Done''': ??
* '''Done''': ??
*'''Cancellation failed:''' It was not possible to cancel the order.
*'''Cancellation started:''' This will be shown, if the user wants to cancel the order and the system has started running through the cancellation process.
The actual statuses for a '''PO''' are:
The actual statuses for a '''PO''' are:

Latest revision as of 15:24, 28 August 2023

This article is WIP

Every type of order has a variety of different statuses which it must run through until it reaches the user. These steps will be shown for every order type to make the statuses of every order more understandable.

The usual order of statuses for a order will look like this:

Current status colors - to be revised.png

Description Dev
Accepted The order has been run checked by the system and will be created. customer-order-status.accepted
Approved Order has been approved
Canceled Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order. customer-order-status.canceled
Created The order has been created and has reached the responsible user. customer-order-status.created
Creation pending The system is still working on creating your order. customer-order-status.creation-pending
Delivered The order is has been delivered. customer-order-status.delivered
Draft customer-order-status.draft
Info from external system customer-order-status.external-system-info
Finished The order is has been finished. customer-order-status.finished
Partially accepted customer-order-status.partially-accepted
Partially canceled It was only possible to cancel some articles. The rest of the order will still be delivered. customer-order-status.partially-canceled
Partially delivered Some parts of the order have reached their final destination. Check the order details to see what the status of the other parts is. customer-order-status.partially-delivered
Partially rejected customer-order-status.partially-rejected
Pending approval customer-order-status.pending-approval
Receipt confirmed When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery. customer-order-status.receipt-confirmed
Receipt partially confirmed customer-order-status.receipt-partially-confirmed
Rejected The order has been rejected. customer-order-status.rejected
Closed offer-status.closed
Contract granted offer-status.contract-awarded
Contract rejected offer-status.contract-rejected
Deleted offer-status.deleted
Draft offer-status.draft
Negotiation/RFP offer-status.negotiation-rfp
Offer accepted offer-status.offer-accepted
Offer created offer-status.offer-created
Offer received offer-status.offer-received
Offer rejected offer-status.offer-rejected
Offer request accepted offer-status.offer-request-accepted
Offer request canceled offer-status.offer-request-canceled
Offer request received offer-status.offer-request-received
Offer request rejected offer-status.offer-request-rejected
Offer request sent offer-status.offer-request-sent
Offer sent offer-status.offer-sent
Order created offer-status.order-created
RFP active offer-status.rfp-active
RFP cancelled offer-status.rfp-cancelled
RFP active but expired offer-status.rfp-closed
RFP draft offer-status.rfp-draft
Accepted The order has been run checked by the system and will be created. procurement-order-status.accepted
Arrived procurement-order-status.arrived
Canceled Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order. procurement-order-status.canceled
Closed procurement-order-status.closed
Created The order has been created and has reached the responsible user. procurement-order-status.created
Created The order has been created and has reached the responsible user. procurement-order-status.created-not-sent
Delivered procurement-order-status.delivered
Finished procurement-order-status.finished
Order data incomplete Some part of data is still missing. Please check the order to fill in the missing information. procurement-order-status.incomplete-data
Partially accepted procurement-order-status.partially-accepted
Partially canceled It was only possible to cancel some articles. The rest of the order will still be delivered. procurement-order-status.partially-canceled
Partially delivered Some parts of the order have reached their final destination. Check the order details to see what the status of the other parts is. procurement-order-status.partially-delivered
Partially rejected procurement-order-status.partially-rejected
Pending approval procurement-order-status.pending-approval
Receipt confirmed procurement-order-status.receipt-confirmed
Receipt partially confirmed procurement-order-status.receipt-partially-confirmed
Rejected procurement-order-status.rejected
Sent procurement-order-status.sent
Transmitted procurement-order-status.transmitted
Waiting for stock leave procurement-order-status.waiting-for-stock-leave
Billed shipment-status.billed
Canceled Either you, or the people responsible for your order have canceled this order. shipment-status.canceled
Created The order has been created and has reached the responsible user. shipment-status.created
Error from external system shipment-status.external-system-error
Info from external system shipment-status.external-system-info
In finishing & customizing process shipment-status.in-finishing
In maintenance process shipment-status.in-maintenance
In product qualification process shipment-status.in-qualification
Moved shipment-status.moved
Picked-up shipment-status.picked-up
In picking control shipment-status.picking-control
Picking finished shipment-status.picking-finished
In picking preparation shipment-status.picking-preparation
Is ready for external qualification shipment-status.ready-for-external-qualification
Ready for pick-up shipment-status.ready-for-pickup
Receipt confirmed When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery. shipment-status.receipt-confirmed
Receipt partially confirmed shipment-status.receipt-partially-confirmed
Delivery expected shipment-status.return-awaiting-delivery
Return closed shipment-status.return-closed
Return created shipment-status.return-created
Credited shipment-status.return-credited
Shipped shipment-status.shipped
Taken in stock shipment-status.taken-into-stock

The actual statuses for a DO are:

  • Created, release required: The order has been created. Your team leader has to check and release the order in order for it to reach the responsible user.
  • Transferred from old system: If the order was created in a old system and was transferred to this system for clarity.
  • Order data incomplete: Some part of data is still missing. Please check the order to fill in the missing information.
  • Partly cancelled: It was only possible to cancel some articles. The rest of the order will still be delivered.
  • Partly delivered: Some parts of the order have reached their final destination. Check the order details to see what the status of the other parts is.
  • Partly confirmed: If some parts were found missing in the order and the user has only partly confirmed the receipt, this status will show.
  • Denied: ?
  • Skipped: This order was skipped and will be fulfilled later.
  • Accepted: The order has been run checked by the system and will be created.
  • Creation pending: The system is still working on creating your order.
  • Created: The order has been created and has reached the responsible user.
  • Delivered: The order is has been delivered.
  • Receipt confirmed: When the order has arrived at its final destination, the user can confirm the delivery.
  • Done: ??
  • Cancellation failed: It was not possible to cancel the order.
  • Cancellation started: This will be shown, if the user wants to cancel the order and the system has started running through the cancellation process.

The actual statuses for a PO are:

  • ...

The actual statuses for a CO are:

  • ...

The actual statuses for a SH are: